zalandoresearch / CRISP

A probabilistic graphical model for COVID-19 infection spread through a population based on mutual contacts between pairs of individuals across time as well as test outcomes The C++/Python implementation enables full inference at the scale of millions of contacts between thousands of individuals.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

small error in

murphyk opened this issue · comments
The code is currently:

contacts_3 = init_contacts(S=S, T=T, R0=R0_3, seed=args.seed )
fig_3 = make_figure(**contacts_2**, t_branch=120, contacts_branch=contacts_3)

However, the first argument should be contacts_3.

No, that's actually correct. The code produces Figure 2 (bottom-right), the first argument is for the solid lines and and contacts_branch=contacts_3 creates the dashed lines that represent the release after lockdown