zalando / patroni

A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

strange behavior of the restore_command

glushakov opened this issue · comments

What happened?

I ran some tests and accidentally discovered some strange behavior when using the restore_command.
I did not find any mention in the documentation, or on Github other than this:
"All recovery settings that you put to the postgresql.recovery_conf are ignored, because they potentially could break replication."

So, I tried set the restore_command parameter via DCS.

+ Cluster: server01+server02 (7301273363016975757) ----------+
| Member               | Host                 | Role    | State     | TL | Lag in MB |
| server01             |             server01 | Leader  | running   | 13 |           |
| server02             |             server02 | Replica | streaming | 13 |         0 |

patronictl edit-config
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
     wal_keep_size: 2000
     wal_level: replica
     wal_log_hints: true
+    restore_command: '/usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p'
   use_pg_rewind: true
   use_slots: true
 primary_start_timeout: 0

Apply these changes? [y/N]: y
Configuration changed

(patroni_venv) [09:30:17 postgres@server01:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"

(1 row)

(patroni_venv) [09:30:52 postgres@server02:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"
 /usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p
(1 row)

As a result, the parameter was applied only on the replica.
The first strange thing is that patroni did not mention this anywhere in the logs.

Patroni logs
2024-01-25 21:28:30,868 INFO: no action. I am (server01), the leader with the lock
2024-01-25 21:28:30,870 INFO: No PostgreSQL configuration items changed, nothing to reload.
2024-01-25 21:28:40,869 INFO: no action. I am (server01), the leader with the lock
2024-01-25 21:28:50,833 INFO: No local configuration items changed.
2024-01-25 21:28:50,835 INFO: Reloading PostgreSQL configuration.
2024-01-25 21:28:51,889 INFO: no action. I am (server01), the leader with the lock
2024-01-25 21:29:00,868 INFO: no action. I am (server01), the leader with the lock

PG logs
2024-01-25 21:28:50.839 MSK    2052875  0 LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
<no message about changed parameter>

Patroni logs
2024-01-25 21:28:30,864 INFO: no action. I am (server02), a secondary, and following a leader (server01)
2024-01-25 21:28:30,866 INFO: No PostgreSQL configuration items changed, nothing to reload.
2024-01-25 21:28:41,423 INFO: no action. I am (server02), a secondary, and following a leader (server01)
2024-01-25 21:28:51,370 INFO: No local configuration items changed.
2024-01-25 21:28:51,373 INFO: Reloading PostgreSQL configuration.
2024-01-25 21:28:52,382 INFO: Lock owner: server01; I am server02
2024-01-25 21:28:52,398 INFO: Local timeline=13 lsn=5D/FE00E360
2024-01-25 21:28:52,444 INFO: primary_timeline=13
2024-01-25 21:28:52,492 INFO: no action. I am (server02), a secondary, and following a leader (server01)
2024-01-25 21:29:01,363 INFO: no action. I am (server02), a secondary, and following a leader (server01)

PG logs
2024-01-25 21:28:41.369 MSK    1685495  0 LOG:  received SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
2024-01-25 21:28:41.370 MSK    1685495  0 LOG:  parameter "restore_command" changed to "/usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p"

I assumed that this was normal behavior, because on the master node this parameter is not needed in normal mode, so patroni ignored it. (but it would be better if reported this in the log)

Then I performed a switchover (from 01 to 02), and after changing roles, the parameter was also applied on the new master node.

(patroni_venv) [09:39:50 postgres@server01:]:~$ patronictl switchover --force
2024-01-25 21:40:01.39245 Successfully switched over to "server02"

(patroni_venv) [09:40:31 postgres@server01:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"
 /usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p
(1 row)

(patroni_venv) [09:41:14 postgres@server02:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"
 /usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p
(1 row)

Next, I removed the parameter from DCS and everything worked the other way around - the parameter remained on master, but disappeared on the replica node.

(patroni_venv) [09:55:54 postgres@server01:]:~$ patronictl edit-config
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
     max_replication_slots: 10
     max_wal_senders: 10
     max_worker_processes: 8
-    restore_command: /usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p
     track_commit_timestamp: false
     wal_keep_size: 2000
     wal_level: replica

Apply these changes? [y/N]: y
Configuration changed

(patroni_venv) [09:57:07 postgres@server01:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"

(1 row)

(patroni_venv) [09:57:01 postgres@server02:]:~$ psql -c "show restore_command"
 /usr/bin/cp /tmp/%f %p
(1 row)

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

set restore_command , make sure that it is applied only on the replica and make switchover

What did you expect to happen?

  1. What is the correct behavior when setting a parameter? How patroni works with it?
  2. events of setting or ignoring parameters should be reported in the logs

Patroni/PostgreSQL/DCS version

  • Patroni version: 3.2.2
  • PostgreSQL version: 15.5
  • DCS (and its version): etcd 3.5.4

Patroni configuration file

scope: server01+server02
namespace: /service/
name: server01

  level: INFO
  format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
  dateformat: ''
  max_queue_size: 1000
  dir: /var/log/patroni
  file_num: 4
  file_size: 25000000

  connect_address: server01:8008
    username: user
    password: pass

  hosts: etcd-server1:2379
  protocol: http
  username: user
  password: pass

    ttl: 30
    loop_wait: 10
    retry_timeout: 10
    maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
    primary_start_timeout: 0
    primary_stop_timeout: 30
    synchronous_mode: true
    synchronous_mode_strict: false
    check_timeline: false
    failsafe_mode: false
      use_pg_rewind: true
      use_slots: true
        max_connections: 300
        max_locks_per_transaction: 64
        max_worker_processes: 8
        max_prepared_transactions: 0
        wal_level: replica
        wal_log_hints: on
        track_commit_timestamp: off
        max_wal_senders: 10
        max_replication_slots: 10
        wal_keep_size: 2000

  use_unix_socket: true
  connect_address: server01:5432
  data_dir: /var/lib/pgsql/15/data
  bin_dir: /usr/pgsql-15/bin/
  config_dir: /var/lib/pgsql/15/data
  pgpass: /var/lib/pgsql/.pgpass
      username: postgres
      password: pass
      username: replicator
      password: pass
      username: postgres
      password: pass
    - basebackup
    checkpoint: fast
    unix_socket_directories: /var/run/postgresql
    - local all postgres  peer
    - host all all scram-sha-256
    - host replication replicator scram-sha-256
  pg_ctl_timeout: 60
  remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure: false
  remove_data_directory_on_diverged_timelines: false

  mode: off

    nofailover: false
    noloadbalance: false
    clonefrom: false
    nosync: false

patronictl show-config

check_timeline: false
failsafe_mode: false
loop_wait: 10
maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576
    archive_command: /usr/bin/cp %p /tmp/postgresql_archives/%f
    max_connections: 300
    max_locks_per_transaction: 64
    max_prepared_transactions: 0
    max_replication_slots: 10
    max_wal_senders: 10
    max_worker_processes: 8
    track_commit_timestamp: false
    wal_keep_size: 2000
    wal_level: replica
    wal_log_hints: true
  use_pg_rewind: true
  use_slots: true
primary_start_timeout: 0
primary_stop_timeout: 30
retry_timeout: 10
synchronous_mode: false
synchronous_mode_strict: false
ttl: 30

Patroni log files

relevant part already included

PostgreSQL log files

relevant part already included

Have you tried to use GitHub issue search?

  • Yes

Anything else we need to know?

No response

The restore_command on the primary is no-op, therefore when you put it to the config Patroni doesn't even try to change it on the primary.
In case if primary crashed, or after switchover, the postgresql.con is always updated and the restore_command will be added there right on time.
Removing restore_command from the config on promoted standby also doesn't bring anything, therefore it is left as it is.

I don't see any good reason to add additional code just to report something that works as expected.