zalando / go-keyring

Cross-platform keyring interface for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using GitHub features to manage repository easily

erdaltsksn opened this issue · comments

Github offers a lot of features via special .github folder. Do you have any plan to adapt any of them? For example:

  • Pull Request Template
  • Issue Templates (multiple)
  • Workflows (instead of travis)
  • Dependabot (beta - Check go.mod file and automatically create a pull request if one of the dependency is outdated.)

All of the above used by my repositories. You can check to see them.
NOTE: This app gh-label uses go-keyring so I link it.

If you are willing to adapt, I'm ready to work on it and create a pull request for it.

I think Pull Request Template and Issue Templates are not needed for this repository as it's limited how many issues we currently get so the structure doesn't need to be enforced at this point IMO.

By workflows do you mean Github Actions or is it a different thing? I don't mind switching to that over travis just note that we have a little bit of a complex setup in order to test the linux integration so it may be tricky to do in Github actions?

Dependabot we're currently trying out for some of our repos. We would like to not enable it here for now as it currently creates more toil than it helps for us.

GitHub Actions and workflows. They are same. I managed to configure the action.

I think there is a problem with the newer version of Linux.


Interesting, at least it would work for another year, and we would have the same issue of 16.04 running EOL on travis at some point (April 2021).

So the Github Action change is welcome :)