zalando / go-keyring

Cross-platform keyring interface for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stable API release

erdaltsksn opened this issue · comments

The version referenced in a go.mod is a pseudo-version based on the commit (v0.0.0-20200121091418-667557018717).

Pseudo-versions are a special type of pre-release version. Is it possible to release a stable API?

You can release v1.0.0 using git tags.

git tag v1.0.0
git push --tags

NOTE: In my projects, I prefer to use v0.1.0 as a initial version.


@erdaltsksn This seems like a reasonable request. I would not release v1.0.0 though since we have several issues/use cases reported which may require changing the API a bit. So to set expectations correctly I would also choose something like v0.1.0 for now. @szuecs WDYT?

@mikkeloscar yes v0.1.0 sounds good

I have tagged the current master as v0.1.0