zadean / xqerl

Erlang XQuery 3.1 Processor

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A Hello, World! example

joewiz opened this issue · comments

I imagine people hearing about xqerl might like to give it a try. Folks with erlang experience can probably figure it out, but for those without this experience, could you please provide a brief example showing what to do assuming they've installed erlang? You could even require some prerequisites like: "1. confirm you can get the simple example at running." Or if something like this already exists, could you please point me in that direction? Thanks!

@joewiz this is definitely something I've been meaning to do. Now that there is an issue, I'm more motivated to actually do it. ;-) Thanks!
"Getting Started" section coming soon.

@zadean Excellent! I'll be happy to serve as a guinea pig for this new section - as someone who knows zero erlang but who's eager to try out xqerl for XQuery.

f50634e has added a "Getting Started" section. Let's see if it makes sense. :-)

@zadean Thank you! I look forward to taking it for a spin and will report back.

It's been a while and a lot has changed.
I've updated the "getting started" stuff with f4bbb43.
@joewiz, still interested in serving as a guinea pig? :-)