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(Bug Report) Router not found for request /assets/v0.57.2/app-dist/setup.js

sp00ky opened this issue · comments


Trilium Version

Latest Docker Image

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Server access only

Operating System Version

Docker on Fedora 37 Server


Using docker and the latest docker-compose.yml. Navigating to the app for the first time a blank screen loads. The dev tools console gives a 404 for setup.js and navigating to setup.js gives me the following:

{"message":"Router not found for request /assets/v0.57.2/app-dist/setup.js"}


+1 in here

Yeah me too, blank screen. Should not have upgraded lol.

Seems to be a duplicate of #3369.


Seems to be a duplicate of #3369.

Probably related. However, I don't get the error referenced there.


Same here


Same. Phew thought I screwed something up