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(Feature request) Does trilium support IPv6?

thinkinnight opened this issue · comments

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I used the docker image zadam/trilium:0.57-latest to deploy a trilium in my server, and I can access trilium in chrome with IPv4 address, but seems I cannot access by IPv6 address, and I find no information about is IPv6 supported?
So does trilium support IPv6? I need this feature as I only have public IPv6 address but no public IPv4 address now.

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I found maybe it is IPv6 NAT problem, I will check it first.

After check, it should be the trilium support problem. In the code, the host is set by the following code:
module.exports = process.env.TRILIUM_HOST || config['Network']['host'] || '';

when use, it only support IPv4, and no IPv6 support.


Hi, can't you then set the TRILIUM_HOST env. variable (or config file) to ::/0 for the equivalent IPv6 effect?