zadam / trilium-web-clipper

Save web clippings to Trilium Notes.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Only getting a small portion of page

JetsonDavis opened this issue · comments

I have xpi extension installed on Firefox and clicking 'Save Whole Page'. I get a pop-up dialog at the bottom of the screen. When I click the link and go to Trillium, I only get a small portion of text from the page. Am I doing something wrong?

For example, say I do a google search for 'nothing'. All I get is the top of the page.



Hi, I can reproduce this behavior on the google search results page.

Trilium is not saving the page "as is" (which would be difficult anyway), but it's trying to extract the meaningful content using the library. That involves some guesswork though and while it's mostly correct, it can be wrong at times. Google search result isn't really a typical usecase for this but yeah, I guess omitting the actual results is probably wrong thing to do.

So this would have to be fixed in the readability library first ...


Can you give some non-google example?

There's mobile frontend:

But native Android/iOS apps are probably not going to happen.