zadam / trilium-sender

Simple android application for sending images and notes to Trilium

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't do anything

pinq- opened this issue · comments


After install from play store I only get this view:

I set the right settings ( I use yunohost to host trilium) and it says everything is ok, but after that nothing happens. I can only see this view. I can't move anything or to anything.
I use android 12 and sony zx1 compact.


Hi, it kind of explains it on that screen - the main app is only for setup, you then use it by adding a "Add note" shortcut or through sharing (links/images) with the app.

Just to make sure we're on the same page, this is a very limited application used for sending content to trilium, it's not a full working Trilium app for android.


That's the thing, I don't see any "add note" shortcut or should I have another app for notes and use this app to send that node to trilium server?


The "add note" shortcut must be added as an android launcher button. Long press on your launcher to add shortcut and there it should be available.


Now I found it! Thanks.