zachleigh / larafolio

A portfolio management system for Laravel.

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Soft deleting project makes project name unusable in future

zachleigh opened this issue · comments

Since the name needs to be unique, soft deleted project names can not be re-used. Possible solutions;:

  • Don't make project names unique (don't like this...)
  • Hard delete projects (scary..)
  • Have page where soft deleted projects can be managed
  • Have commands to deal with soft deleted projects

The page seems like the best option to me, and really shouldn't be too much work. Maybe in a Settings page or series of pages. You could also make soft deleting an option.

Going with the page option. Settings menu will be a dropdown. One option in the dropdown will be 'Projects' and will contain all the settings relevant to projects. Will also contain a list of all current projects and soft deleted projects. Allow users to hard delete soft deletes here.

  • Create route, controller method etc. for hard deleting soft deleted projects. Unit test.
  • Create settings routes, view subdirectory for settings views, and template for general settings pages.
  • Add soft delete section to front end
  • Maybe bring in property bag to manage settings for projects, pages etc?
