zachary-russell / UnderArmourSEOTest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Page Tester


  • node v7.6.0+ (for async and await)


Everything is included in the package.json dependencies and can be installed with

% npm i

This will install the following packages:

  • cheerio
  • puppeteer
  • mocha
  • expect.js


To prepare, simply populate a urls.json file with an array of URL category objects containing a name and urls. See urls.json.example for the desired format.


The page tests are written as a Mocha test suite, and as such with a urls.json in place, all that is required to run the tests is to execute mocha with npm test. When this is complete, you should see something like this:

Testing "Product Pages" URLs
      Page Title
        ✓ should exist
        ✓ should be between 30 and 60 characters
      h1 Tags
        ✓ should have an h1
      Canonical Tag
        ✓ should exist
        ✓ should be a valid URL
      Meta Description
        ✓ should exist
        ✓ should be between 40 and 165 characters
      Image Tags
        ✓ should have alt text on all images
      Robots Tags
        ✓ should be indexable
        ✓ should be followable
    URLs in group
      ✓ should have unique titles
      ✓ should have unique meta descriptions
Canonical URLs in Product Pages all self-referencing: true

  12 passing (205ms)

with entries for each category and URL provided.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%