zacharee / LockscreenWidgets

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

App should let the user add widgets from the main activity

shmykelsa opened this issue · comments

The current steps to add some widgets is:

  1. Get to lockscreen
  2. Go to add page and press the add button
  3. Actually unlock the phone
  4. Add the widget

To check the widget I should go back to loscreen. The whole thing is not very comfortable.

If the main activity had a little space on the bottom to scroll through the actual widgets (with the actual size) and add some, on every widget add steps 1 and 3 would be skipped, making the whole process of adding multiple widgets much more comfortable.

Also widgets' order should be user-arrangeable.

You can arrange the widgets. Hold down on one and drag.

I'll look into ways to add widgets without using the lock screen.

There's now a button in the toolbar to add a widget from the app itself in 1.2.0.