yzhangcs / crfsrl

[COLING'22] Code for "Semantic Role Labeling as Dependency Parsing: Exploring Latent Tree Structures Inside Arguments".

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Predict mode with --prob option throws RuntimeError

RyosukeMitani opened this issue · comments

Hello, @yzhangcs.
Thank you for sharing your great work!!
After training a model, I'm trying to get probabilities of each answers on "predict" mode.
But, I got an error shown below from File "/crfsrl/crfsrl/parser.py", line 272, in _predict.
I tried to cast the lens tensor into another type but it doesn't work.
Would it be possible to get any advices to fix this ??

preds['probs'].extend([prob[1:i, :i].cpu() for i, prob in zip(lens.softmax(-1).unbind())])
RuntimeError: "host_softmax" not implemented for 'Long' 

I noticed that the main branch was updated. So, I also switched the version into HEAD of main.
But, similar error prevents to calculate probabilities properly.

batch.probs = [prob[1:i, :i].cpu() for i, prob in zip(lens.softmax(-1).unbind())]
RuntimeError: "softmax_lastdim_kernel_impl" not implemented for 'Long'

@RyosukeMitani Hi, thank you for reporting this bug (also sorry for my super late reply :-().
I have pushed the fix to the main branch, please check it again.
You can get the values via the following code:

>>> from crfsrl import CRFSemanticRoleLabelingParser
>>> parser = CRFSemanticRoleLabelingParser.load(<path>)
>>> sent = parser.predict([['She', 'enjoys', 'playing', 'tennis', '.']], prob=True, verbose=False)[0]
>>> sent
1       She     _       _       _       _       _       _       2:B-A0|3:B-A0   _
2       enjoys  _       _       _       _       _       _       0:[prd] _
3       playing _       _       _       _       _       _       2:B-A1|0:[prd]  _
4       tennis  _       _       _       _       _       _       2:I-A1|3:B-A1   _
5       .       _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _

>>> s_edge, s_role = sent.probs
>>> s_edge.shape
torch.Size([6, 6])
>>> s_role.shape
torch.Size([6, 6, 55])

which are actually unnormalized scores.
For CRF2o, 2o sib scores are also returned.