yzhangcs / CRF

Conditional Random Field

Home Page:http://hlt.suda.edu.cn/~zhli/teach/cip-2015-fall/12-crf/main.pdf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Conditional Random Field


├── bigdata
│   ├── dev.conll
│   ├── test.conll
│   └── train.conll
├── data
│   ├── dev.conll
│   └── train.conll
├── results
│   ├── acrf.txt
│   ├── bacrf.txt
│   ├── bcrf.txt
│   ├── boacrf.txt
│   ├── bocrf.txt
│   ├── crf.txt
│   ├── oacrf.txt
│   └── ocrf.txt
├── config.py
├── crf.py
├── ocrf.py
├── README.md
└── run.py


$ python run.py -h
usage: run.py [-h] [--bigdata] [--anneal] [--optimize] [--regularize]
              [--seed SEED] [--file FILE]

Create Conditional Random Field(CRF) for POS Tagging.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bigdata, -b         use big data
  --anneal, -a          use simulated annealing
  --optimize, -o        use feature extracion optimization
  --regularize, -r      use L2 regularization
  --seed SEED, -s SEED  set the seed for generating random numbers
  --file FILE, -f FILE  set where to store the model
# e.g. 特征提取优化+模拟退火
$ python run.py -b --optimize --anneal


大数据集 特征提取优化 模拟退火 迭代次数 dev/P test/P mT(s)
× × × 12/18 88.6405% * 0:00:52.687575
× × 10/16 88.6504% * 0:00:52.967660
× × 10/16 88.9425% * 0:00:16.543064
× 12/18 88.9247% * 0:00:17.004330
× × 14/25 93.8587% 93.7054% 0:57:13.132850
× 37/48 94.2190% 93.9665% 0:56:30.033807
× 15/26 93.9705% 93.8537% 0:13:33.869449
13/24 94.2107% 94.0425% 0:13:25.669687


Conditional Random Field


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%