yuyichao / julia

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Run normal-gc-after-big-alloc test on the test suit

yuyichao opened this issue · comments

  • arrayops (2015/5/9)
  • backtrace (2015/5/9)
  • base64 (2015/5/9)
  • bigint (2015/5/9)
  • bitarray (2015/5/11)
  • blas (2015/5/9) (Test fail)
  • broadcast (2015/5/11)
  • ccall (2015/5/9)
  • char (2015/5/10)
  • cmdlineargs (Fail due to debug output)
  • combinatorics (2015/5/10)
  • complex (Test fail)
  • copy (2015/5/9)
  • core (2015/5/9)
  • dates (2015/5/10)
  • dict (2015/5/10)
  • docs (2015/5/10)
  • dsp (2015/5/10)
  • enums (2015/5/10)
  • euler (2015/5/10)
  • examples (2015/5/10)
  • fastmath (2015/5/10)
  • fft (2015/5/10)
  • file (2015/5/10)
  • float16 (2015/5/10)
  • floatapprox (2015/5/10)
  • functional (2015/5/10)
  • functors (2015/5/10)
  • goto (2015/5/10)
  • grisu (2015/5/10)
  • hashing (2015/5/10)
  • i18n (2015/5/10)
  • intfuncs (2015/5/9)
  • iobuffer (2015/5/9)
  • keywordargs (2015/5/9)
  • libgit2 (2015/5/10)
  • linalg
    • linalg/arnoldi (2015/5/11)
    • linalg/bidiag (2015/5/10)
    • linalg/cholesky (2015/5/11)
    • linalg/diagonal (2015/5/11)
    • linalg/givens (2015/5/10)
    • linalg/lapack (Test fail)
    • linalg/lu (2015/5/17)
    • linalg/pinv (2015/5/11)
    • linalg/symmetric (2015/5/11)
    • linalg/triangular (Running)
    • linalg/tridiag (2015/5/10)
    • linalg1 (2015/5/13)
    • linalg2 (2015/5/10)
    • linalg3 (Test fail)
    • linalg4 (Test fail)
  • lineedit (2015/5/10)
  • llvmcall (2015/5/10)
  • markdown (2015/5/10)
  • math (2015/5/11)
  • meta (2015/5/10)
  • misc (Fail due to debug output)
  • mod2pi (2015/5/10)
  • mpfr (2015/5/9)
  • nullable (2015/5/10)
  • numbers (2015/5/16)
  • operators (2015/5/10)
  • parallel (2015/5/10)
  • parser (2015/5/10)
  • path (2015/5/10)
  • pkg (2015/5/10)
  • pollfd (2015/5/10)
  • priorityqueue (2015/5/10)
  • profile (2015/5/10)
  • random (2015/5/10)
  • ranges (2015/5/10)
  • readdlm (2015/5/10)
  • reduce (Test fail)
  • reducedim (2015/5/10)
  • reflection (2015/5/10)
  • regex (2015/5/10)
  • remote (2015/5/9)
  • repl (Fail due to debug output)
  • replcompletions (2015/5/10)
  • replutil (2015/5/10)
  • resolve (2015/5/10)
  • rounding (2015/5/10)
  • serialize (2015/5/10)
  • sets (2015/5/10)
  • show (2015/5/10)
  • simdloop (2015/5/10)
  • socket (2015/5/10)
  • sorting (2015/5/10)
  • sparse (Test fail)
  • spawn (Fail due to debug output)
  • staged (2015/5/9)
  • statistics (2015/5/10)
  • strings (2015/5/10)
  • subarray (2015/5/10)
  • sysinfo (2015/5/10)
  • test (2015/5/10)
  • tuple (2015/5/9)
  • unicode (2015/5/10)
  • version (2015/5/10)

Pretty much done. Needs better ways to run these tests though.