yuru7 / HackGen

Hack と源柔ゴシックを合成したプログラミングフォント 白源 (はくげん/HackGen)

Home Page:https://qiita.com/tawara_/items/374f3ca0a386fab8b305

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


yuru7 opened this issue · comments



引用: #9 (comment)


Qiitaの質問欄でもよくリクエストを見かけます。@yuru7 さんが真摯に答えている点が素晴らしいと思っています。一方で、せっかくだからforkしてやって自分でやってみようよ!とも思います。
@showsaitoh さんも自分でやってみましょう!

自分もForkして、自分好みにアレンジしようとしていますが、環境構築でコケています 1 😓フォント開発はど素人なので...
よろしければ@yuru7 さんの環境を教えていだけませんか...?どこかに書いてあって、見落としていたらすみません。

1: kanehis#2

Originally posted by @kanehis in #9 (comment)


取り急ぎ、手元の環境の関連パッケージ Ver をお知らせしておきます。

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (VirtualBox で動作)

***:~$ apt list | egrep 'fontforge|ttfautohint|fonttools'

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

fontforge/bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64
fontforge-common/bionic,bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 all
fontforge-dbg/bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64
fontforge-doc/bionic,bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 all
fontforge-extras/bionic 0.3-4ubuntu1 amd64
fontforge-nox/bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64
fonttools/bionic,bionic,now 3.21.2-1 all [インストール済み]
libfontforge-dev/bionic 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64
libfontforge2/bionic,now 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64 [インストール済み、自動]
libttfautohint-dev/bionic 1.8.1-1 amd64
libttfautohint1/bionic,now 1.8.1-1 amd64 [インストール済み、自動]
python-fontforge/bionic,now 1:20170731~dfsg-1 amd64 [インストール済み]
python-fonttools/bionic,bionic 3.21.2-1 all
python-fonttools-doc/bionic,bionic 3.21.2-1 all
python3-fonttools/bionic,bionic,now 3.21.2-1 all [インストール済み、自動]
ttfautohint/bionic,now 1.8.1-1 amd64 [インストール済み]


kanehis#2 (comment) を拝見しましたが、 WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]: ... はこちらの環境でも出ていますね。問題なく build できているのであまり気にしなくてもよさそうです。


***@***-VirtualBox:~/HackGen$ ./make_hackgen.sh 
Warning: /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Regular.ttf does not seem to be GenJyuuGothicL Regular
Warning: /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Bold.ttf does not seem to be GenJyuuGothicL Bold
Generate modified Hack Material
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/Hack-Regular.ttf
Save Modified-Hack-Material-Regular.sfd
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/Hack-Bold.ttf
Save Modified-Hack-Material-Bold.sfd
Generate Box Drawings Lights on Hack
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/Hack-Regular.ttf
Save Modified-Hack-Box-Drawing-Lights-Regular.sfd
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/Hack-Bold.ttf
Save Modified-Hack-Box-Drawing-Lights-Bold.sfd
Generate modified Hack Console
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Material-Regular.sfd
Save Modified-Hack-Console-Regular.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Material-Bold.sfd
Save Modified-Hack-Console-Bold.sfd
Generate modified Hack
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Console-Regular.sfd
Save Modified-Hack-Regular.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Console-Bold.sfd
Save Modified-Hack-Bold.sfd
Generate modified GenJyuuGothicL
Get trim target glyph from Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Regular.ttf
Half width check loop start
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Half width check loop end
Full SetWidth start
Full SetWidth end
Half SetWidth start
Half SetWidth end
Edit zenkaku space
Edit zenkaku brackets
Save Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-regular.sfd
Generate Genjyuu ttf
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Bold.ttf
Half width check loop start
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Half width check loop end
Full SetWidth start
Full SetWidth end
Half SetWidth start
Half SetWidth end
Edit zenkaku space
Edit zenkaku brackets
Save Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-bold.sfd
Generate Genjyuu ttf
Generate modified GenJyuuGothicL Console
Get trim target glyph from Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-regular.sfd.ttf
Begin delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
End delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Generate Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-regular_console.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-bold.sfd.ttf
Begin delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
End delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Generate Modified-GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-bold_console.sfd
Generate HackGen
Merge Modified-Hack-Regular.sfd
Save HackGen-Regular.ttf
Merge Modified-Hack-Bold.sfd
Save HackGen-Bold.ttf
Generate Box Drawing Lights for HackGen Console
Merge Modified-Hack-Box-Drawing-Lights-Regular.sfd
Save HackGenBoxDrawingLights-Regular.ttf
Merge Modified-Hack-Box-Drawing-Lights-Bold.sfd
Save HackGenBoxDrawingLights-Bold.ttf
Generate HackGen Console
Merge Modified-Hack-Console-Regular.sfd
Save HackGenConsole-Regular.ttf
Merge Modified-Hack-Console-Bold.sfd
Save HackGenConsole-Bold.ttf
Generate modified Hack35 Console
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Material-Regular.sfd
Save Modified-Hack35-Console-Regular.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack-Material-Bold.sfd
Save Modified-Hack35-Console-Bold.sfd
Generate modified Hack
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack35-Console-Regular.sfd
Save Modified-Hack35-Regular.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-Hack35-Console-Bold.sfd
Save Modified-Hack35-Bold.sfd
Generate modified GenJyuuGothicL - 35
Get trim target glyph from Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Regular.ttf
Half width check loop start
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Half width check loop end
Full SetWidth start
Full SetWidth end
Half SetWidth start
Half SetWidth end
Edit zenkaku space
Edit zenkaku brackets
Save Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-regular.sfd
Generate Genjyuu ttf
Open /home/***/HackGen/source/GenJyuuGothicL-Monospace-Bold.ttf
Half width check loop start
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Half width check loop end
Full SetWidth start
Full SetWidth end
Half SetWidth start
Half SetWidth end
Edit zenkaku space
Edit zenkaku brackets
Save Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-bold.sfd
Generate Genjyuu ttf
Generate modified GenJyuuGothicL Console - 35
Get trim target glyph from Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-regular.sfd.ttf
Begin delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
End delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Generate Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-regular_console.sfd
Open /tmp/hackgen_generator_tmpdir.OGyMbh/Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-bold.sfd.ttf
Begin delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Processing progress: 0
Processing progress: 5000
Processing progress: 10000
Processing progress: 15000
Processing progress: 20000
Processing progress: 25000
Processing progress: 30000
Processing progress: 35000
Processing progress: 40000
Processing progress: 45000
Processing progress: 50000
Processing progress: 55000
Processing progress: 60000
Processing progress: 65000
End delete the glyphs contained in Hack
Generate Modified-GenJyuuGothicL35-Monospace-bold_console.sfd
Generate HackGen
Merge Modified-Hack35-Regular.sfd
Save HackGen35-Regular.ttf
Merge Modified-Hack35-Bold.sfd
Save HackGen35-Bold.ttf
Generate HackGen Console
Merge Modified-Hack35-Console-Regular.sfd
Save HackGen35Console-Regular.ttf
Merge Modified-Hack35-Console-Bold.sfd
Save HackGen35Console-Bold.ttf
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  0, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  0, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [0]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format 14, platformID  0, platEncID  5
WARNING: Dropped cmap subtable from font [1]:	format  6, platformID  1, platEncID  0
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
 with many parts BSD . Please read LICENSE.
 Based on sources from 13:58 UTC 27-Apr-2019-ML-D.
 Based on source from git with hash: f0c988e05b088411a47668c4582848165f5f0e4d
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
 with many parts BSD . Please read LICENSE.
 Based on sources from 13:58 UTC 27-Apr-2019-ML-D.
 Based on source from git with hash: f0c988e05b088411a47668c4582848165f5f0e4d
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
 with many parts BSD . Please read LICENSE.
 Based on sources from 13:58 UTC 27-Apr-2019-ML-D.
 Based on source from git with hash: f0c988e05b088411a47668c4582848165f5f0e4d
Copyright (c) 2000-2018 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors.
 License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
 with many parts BSD . Please read LICENSE.
 Based on sources from 13:58 UTC 27-Apr-2019-ML-D.
 Based on source from git with hash: f0c988e05b088411a47668c4582848165f5f0e4d
Remove temporary files
Succeeded in generating HackGen!
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Bold.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Bold.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Bold.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Bold.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Regular.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Regular.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Regular.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen-Regular.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold-forPowerline.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold-forPowerline.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold-forPowerline.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold-forPowerline.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Bold.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular-forPowerline.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular-forPowerline.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular-forPowerline.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular-forPowerline.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGenConsole-Regular.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Bold.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Bold.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Bold.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Bold.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Regular.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Regular.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Regular.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35-Regular.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold-forPowerline.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold-forPowerline.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold-forPowerline.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold-forPowerline.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Bold.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
WARNING: fsSelection bit 5 (bold) and head table macStyle bit 0 (bold) should match
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular-forPowerline.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular-forPowerline.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular-forPowerline.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular-forPowerline.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...
Dumping "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular.ttf" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular.ttx"...
Dumping 'OS/2' table...
Dumping 'post' table...
Compiling "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular.ttx" to "/home/***/HackGen/HackGen35Console-Regular.ttf"...
Parsing 'OS/2' table...
Parsing 'post' table...

Hackを元にしている状態では難しいのかもしれませんが、Fira CodeやCascadia Codeのように、ligatureに対応してもらえるとすごくうれしいです






です。「MSゴシック」や「BIZ UDゴシック」では4文字目まで同じ長さになるのですが
「HackGenNerd Console」では「フロ―ズン」の「―」の文字の長さが半分になってしまいます。






リゾート で使っている伸ばし棒は、文字コードで示すと U+30FC
フロ―ズン で使っている伸ばし棒は、文字コードで示すと U+2015


HackGenNerd Console の場合、前者は全角幅、後者は半角幅の表示になります。
前者も後者も全角幅がいいということであれば、Console 版ではない HackGenNerd をお使いください。

ちなみに一般的な伸ばし棒 (いわゆる長音記号) は、前者の文字コード「U+30FC」の方で、後者はダッシュ記号と呼ばれるものです。

早速のご回答ありがとうございます。「U+2015」は「HackGenNerd Console」では





OS: Windows 10 Pro ビルド19041
VSCode: 1.51.1
ディスプレイ: 1920x1080



個別に issue を立てましたので、そちらでやり取りさせてください。
