yurii-lysytsia / AirKit

This is sugar framework that contains many different extensions for native Swift and iOS frameworks

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๐Ÿƒ AirKit

Many extensions to speed up your coding time!

Languages Platforms CocoaPods GitHub

This is sugar framework that contains many different extensions for native Swift and iOS frameworks

๐Ÿ”ฎ Features

AirKit is a modular framework, so this is easy to use only the needed module.

Extensions for Swift

  • Extensions for primitive values (Bool, Int, Double, String, etc.);
  • Extensions for collections (Sequence, Collections, etc.);
  • Extensions for Comparable;
  • Extensions for Optional;
  • Extensions for Result;
  • Extensions for Codable and KeyedDecodingContainer;
  • Extensions for KeyPath;
  • Extensions for Mirror;
  • Once - class than manages only one execution block of code;

Extensions for Foundation

  • Extensions for NSAttributedString;
  • Extensions for Calendar, Date, DateFormatter, TimeInterval and TimeZone;
  • Extensions for URL, URLComponents and URLRequest;
  • Extensions for UserDefaults and FileManagers;
  • Extensions for NumberFormatter;
  • Extensions for Data;
  • Extensions for Bundle;
  • Extensions for Locale;
  • Extensions for DispatchQueue;
  • Swizzle - suggar for use ObjC swizzle methods;

Extensions for QuartzCore

  • Extensions for CACornerMask;
  • Extensions for CAGradientLayer;
  • Extensions for CATransform3D;
  • Extensions for CAMediaTimingFunction;
  • Extensions for CGFloat;
  • Extensions for CGPoint;
  • Extensions for CGSize;
  • Extensions for CGColor;

Extensions for CoreImage

  • Extensions for CIContext;
  • Extensions for CIFilter;

Extensions for CoreLocation

  • Extensions for CLLocation;
  • Extensions for CLLocationCoordinate2D;

Extensions for UIKit

  • Extensions for NSDirectionalEdgeInsets;
  • Extensions for UIGraphicsImageRenderer, UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat and UIImage;
  • Extensions for UIColor;
  • Extensions for UIEdgeInsets;
  • Extensions for UIBezierPath;
  • Extensions for UILayoutPriority;
  • Extensions for UIView;
  • Extensions for UIStackView;
  • Extensions for UIButton;
  • Extensions for UISwitch;
  • Extensions for UISearchBar;
  • Extensions for UIBarButtonItem;
  • Extensions for UITextView;
  • Extensions for UIScrollView;
  • Extensions for UICollectionView;
  • Extensions for UITableView;
  • Extensions for UINavigationViewController;
  • Extensions for UIPageViewController;
  • Extensions for UIViewController;
  • Extensions for UIWindow;
  • Extensions for UIApplication;
  • Extensions for UIFont;

Extensions for MapKit

  • Extensions for MKMapView;
  • Extensions for MKPolyline;

Extensions for WebKit

  • Extensions for WKWebView;

Extensions for LocalAuthentication

  • Extensions for LAContext;

Extensions for CoreData

  • Extensions for NSPredicate;
  • Extensions for NSManagedObject;

Extensions for Combine

  • Extensions for TopLevelDecoder;
  • Added -Relay alias for Subject with Never failure type;

v 0.9 | Extensions for CoreImage

v 1.X | Helpers

  • Add Logger extensions;
  • Actions blocks instead target for different UI elements, like button actions with blocks (including Combine);
  • Closures for different components with old target (simple version of https://github.com/vhesener/Closures);
  • Then, like https://github.com/devxoul/Then;
  • Extensions for keyboard observing with many helpers;
  • Extensions for change screen on multitasking;
  • Extensions for UIApplication to open schemes, such as mailto or popular apps;
  • Nibless view;
  • Anything else?

๐Ÿš€ Installation

For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate AirKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

# Import all modules. This import includes all "Root" modules. See details bellow
pod 'AirKit', '~> 0.8'

# Import one or many specific module(s)
## Core (without UI elements)
pod 'AirKit/Swift', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/Foundation', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/Combine', '~> 0.8'

## CoreUI (including UI elements)
pod 'AirKit/QuartzCore', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/CoreImage', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/UIKit', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/WebKit', '~> 0.8'

# Other (specific frameworks to the project)
pod 'AirKit/CoreLocation', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/MapKit', '~> 0.8'
pod 'AirKit/LocalAuthentication', '~> 0.8'

๐Ÿ’ป Usage

Import AirKit to the file and use extensions that you need.

import AirKit

Don't worry to import AirKit in any file because AirKit is import-safety. What does it mean? When you import AirKit to your file it includes only selected modules without any other imports. For example,

import AirKit

final class ViewModel {
    let image: UIImage // ๐Ÿ”ด Cannot find 'UIImage' in scope | It happenes because to use "UIImage", you need to import "UIKit"
    let url: URL // ๐Ÿ”ด Cannot find 'URL' in scope | It happenes because to use "URL", you need to import "Foundation"
    let version: Version // Works because "Version" is a model from "AirKit"

๐Ÿ“š Documentation

Documentation will be available soon. But now it available only for all extensions methods and properties summary.

๐Ÿ“œ License

Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


This is sugar framework that contains many different extensions for native Swift and iOS frameworks

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 96.8%Language:Ruby 2.5%Language:C 0.7%