Yunuuuu / copynumber

copynumber with hg38

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

copynumber with hg38

This is an modified version of the copynumber R package. It has been adjusted to support the human hg38 genome builds (Following the tutorial in, in addition, it will be okay to provide a customized cytoband data.frame directly.

Assembly usage

Speicifically, this is used for the “assembly” parameter in aspcf, multipcf, pcf, and winsorize functions. We can provide a scalar string or a data.frame directly.

  • string Only “hg16”, “hg17”, “hg18”, “hg19”, “hg38”, “mm7”, “mm8” and “mm9” are supported.
  • a data.frame with 5 columns (names don’t matter) in the order:
    1. chromosome
    2. start_pos
    3. end_pos
    4. band
    5. gieStain

Notes: it’s easy to do this with:

# assembly should be a genome string like "hg38", "hg19", or "mm9", "mm10".
    header = FALSE


You can install the development version of copynumber from GitHub with:


Similar work can also be found in aroneklund, igordot, ShixiangWang. And Irrationone provides a species-agnostic approach.

Official copynumber

Since the official copynumber has been labelled as deprecated and will be removed from Bioconductor version 3.18. This repo also kept a backup of the official copynumber in official branch (You can install it with pak::pkg_install(Yunuuuu/copynumber@official)).


copynumber with hg38


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