yunjey / show-attend-and-tell

TensorFlow Implementation of "Show, Attend and Tell"

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is the difference between this code and the original in details ? Help me please.

MenSanYan opened this issue · comments

I want to repeat the results same as the original paper. But, I get a BLEU-1 score about 0.66. What can I do next to achieve the same results? I have been frustrated for a long time. Please.

Did you run this yunjey's code without any errors?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 25, in
File "", line 22, in main
File "/home/yujunhyung/show-attend-and-tell-tensorflow/core/", line 77, in train
loss = self.model.build_model()
File "/home/yujunhyung/show-attend-and-tell-tensorflow/core/", line 168, in build_model
_, (c, h) = lstm_cell(1, inputs=tf.concat(1, [x[:,t,:], context]), state=[c, h])

I get this error when I run code.
Is there any solution?

i used tensorflow 0.11.0 version & python2.7

What version did you use?

@JunHyungYu As far as I know, there exists some incompatibilities among different tensorflow versions. A good choice is to copy the error information and paste it in Google for resolution. I ever encountered a revised version of this repository that is compatible with the most recent tensorflow. Another choice is to search that revised version in github, after that there should exist no errors. Good luck!