yuminsuh / part_bilinear_reid

Code for ECCV2018 paper: Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-Identification

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Reproduce Performance Discussion

khw321 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the nice job.
I run the eval_market1501.sh, and get such result,

And the train_market1501.sh result is

How can I get the result in your paper?

@xxx2974 You need to use a proxy.

Hi, thanks for your interest in our work.
The result of the code is the one without re-ranking. The corresponding numbers reported in the paper are
top-1 / top-5 / top-10
91.7% / 96.9% / 98.1%.
To get the result with re-ranking, I used the code on top of the above result.

The results in the paper are obtained with caffe. To reproduce the exact numbers, please use this model and weights trained on the market-1501 dataset. It needs custom caffe.