yulingtianxia / TBActionSheet

A Custom&Powerful Action Sheet For iOS. 一个 ActionSheet 满足所有样式!超高自由度的可定制!

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Crash when snapshot

Bluelich opened this issue · comments


- (UIImage *)screenShotRect:(CGRect)aRect
// Use this method to render a snapshot of the view hierarchy into the current context. 
Returns NO if the snapshot is missing image data, YES if the snapshot is complete.
 Calling this method from layoutSubviews while the current transaction is committing 
will capture what is currently displayed regardless if afterUpdates is YES.
- (BOOL)drawViewHierarchyInRect:(CGRect)rect afterScreenUpdates:(BOOL)afterUpdates NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

目前仅在iOS 11.0 (15A5318g)上遇到过2次,希望能尽快修复!

issues on stackoverflow

@Bluelich 能附上 crash 堆栈信息么