yuki / yukibook.cls

LaTeX class to create textbooks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


yukibook.cls is a LaTeX class to create textbooks with some custom features. See the file yukibook.pdf to see an example of what you can do with this class.



This class has been deprecated and will not be updated anymore. I have moved all important features from this class into my Pandoc Template.

How to use the class

You can see the the file yukibook.tex to see how to use the class. This is the minimum file:


\yukibook{The Title \linebreak of the Book} 	% Title, you can use "\linebreak" in it
  {Your Name}  % Author
  {2021-2022}    % Year
  {The name \linebreak of the degree} % Name of degree
  {\textquote{A very good phrase for a very good book}}	% catch phrase
  {The phrase's author}	% the phrase's author
  {img/cover.png} % the image used in the cover
  {28436c} %color in HTML format
  {} % mini_title (used if you want to create cusom conditionals with text)

\part{Part 1}
\chapter{Chapter 1}
Here your content...

\section{Section 1}
Here your content...


The "\yukibook" class has 9 parameters:

  1. The Title of the book
  2. The author
  3. Year
  4. The name of the degree
  5. A catch phrase
  6. The phrase's author
  7. The image of the cover
  8. Color in HTML format for the cover and the titles
  9. This a custom minititle that I use in my book to add conditional content

Copy the img directory, because the "seal.png" is used in the second page.

How to create the PDF

To create the PDF, because of the need of the external dependencies, we need to use the -shell-scape parameter:

pdflatex -shell-escape yukibook.tex

LaTeX Dependencies

In order to create the pdf you need all the dependencies the class needs. All of them should be installed with your LaTeX distribution:

  • adjustbox
  • babel
  • blindtext
  • caption
  • csquotes
  • enumitem
  • extdash
  • fancyhdr
  • fontawesome5
  • fontspec
  • geometry
  • graphicx
  • href-ul
  • hyperref
  • hyphenat
  • inputenc
  • pifont
  • pmboxdraw
  • sourcecodepro
  • sourcesanspro
  • svg
  • tabularray
  • tcolorbox
  • tikz
  • titlesec
  • wrapfig
  • xcolor

External dependencies

The package minted needs needs the pygmentize CLI program to work. Be sure to have it installed before using the class.


LaTeX class to create textbooks


Language:TeX 100.0%