yuki-inaho / kalibr-docker-wrapper

Run Kalibr(https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr) in Docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Capture tool for intrinsic calibration with single webcam


  • Command to generate rosbag data from images:
kalibr_bagcreater --folder ./images/2020-10-21-13:10:19 --output-bag data.bag
  • Command to run intrinsic calibration:
kalibr_calibrate_cameras --target april.yaml --bag ./data.bag --model pinhole-equi --topics /cam0/image_raw

Kalibr Docker Wrapper

Run Kalibr in Docker!

If you are using operating systems other than Ubuntu Linux, building and runing Kalibr calibration tools in ROS can be very tricky.

This project builds Kalibr inside a ROS docker image, and wraps Kalibr tools with a shell script. So theoretically, it can run on most Linux systems with docker installed.


  • Install Docker, hopefully from your linux distribution source.

  • Internet connection, as the building process needs to download apt & pip packages, and a seperated SuiteSparse package.


  • Run ./build.sh

  • Grab a coffe, building process takes around 20 minutes, depending on your computer performance and Internet connection speed.


  • source ./setup.sh

  • Run kalibr programs directly. e.g.

    kalibr_bagcreater --folder data_folder --output-bag data.bag


  • Docker image "kalibr" takes around 2.7GB.

  • --dont-show-result are passed by default to disable GUI.

  • Host root directory / is mapped to docker /host/ in docker if programs are run via ./setup.sh. This may be unsafe. Use carefully.

  • Some Kalibr programs are tested to be working, some are tested to be not working, others are untested. See ./setup.sh comments for details.


Run Kalibr(https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr) in Docker

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 38.5%Language:Python 34.5%Language:Shell 27.0%