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MacOS ARM - Signed out after closing app

phil-kt opened this issue · comments


  • I verified that there is no open/closed issue for the same subject.
  • I understand that YTMDesktop have NO affiliation with Google or YouTube

Current Behavior

After logging in and closing the app, I'm forced to log in again.

Expected Behavior

Stay logged in across sessions

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Sign in to Youtube Music Desktop Application.
  2. Close app
  3. Open app
  4. No longer signed in.





OS Version




Installation way


Anything else?

Related to #1227 perhaps, but opened a separate issue for Mac specifically.

It seems it's related to the app not having Keychain access, but when I dug into the issue here (#1287) I didn't see the app in my list of apps to grant keychain access to (as mentioned by @gotgenes here), so there doesn't seem to be a way for me to allow the desktop app to save my password anywhere on my laptop, thus forcing me to sign in every time.

This is sounding more like #1287 than anything.
The MacOS ARM version of the application is terribly broken overall due to a bunch of BS restrictions which Apple is introducting making it impossible to share applications which are unsigned and paying Apple a nice $100 a year.

My work has a Developer license and I can borrow a MacBook to attempt to build a signed application to get a better view if this is all Apples fault.
If this is the case, unless someone is willing to donate $100 a year, nothing is going to happen regarding Apple signinng 😅

Please see message as this may be the future of the MacOS build: #1287 (comment)

I want to restate my interest in helping. I will happily donate or be willing to provide the Apple Developer Program account.

That said, I'm not confident an ADP account is necessary to solve the issues with MacOS arm64 support.

For example, I'm wondering if all the applications distributed via brew --cask each need to use ADP to distribute functioning applications. I suspect not, since many of them elicit a warning "This application was downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" That is a distinct prompt from what one gets with YTMD's MacOS arm64 builds, which is, "This program is corrupted."

I'm not aware of how the ADP functions as a whole~ but we would ideally like to have a "YTM Desktop" branded and named account given that we'd prefer not to see. YTM Desktop, ABC Company show up~ as it can raise some red flags 😅

You can obviously test locally if adding a ADP account will fix the issue or not given the application is open source, and Electron Forge is generally got some helpful info for completing this.
We currently have an Electron Fuse which is set SPECIFICALLY for MacOS Arm (which is a tad bit broken if you just run yarn make as you need to specifiy Arch via yarn make --arch arm64 to get it to set this fuse. You can see this information here:


Lines 122 to 126 in 84a4ca7

new FusesPlugin({
version: FuseVersion.V1,
resetAdHocDarwinSignature: process.platform === "darwin" && makerArch == "arm64",
[FuseV1Options.EnableCookieEncryption]: true

Brew has now been updated to v2 by the looks of it by the lovely @bevanjkay (Thank you for doing this ❤️ ) however I have no idea how this works as a package manager / installation side of stuff.