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[Bug Report] van-field type=number not allow decimal points in iOS devices

kien-ht opened this issue · comments


Vant 版本



It does bring up the numeric keyboard, however decimal points are not allowed/clickable.

It actually works on Chrome 117.0.5938.155/ Android, but not in any browsers in iOS.


  1. Go to
  2. Look for "Custom Type" demo
  3. Type in "Number" field


Safari/iOS 16.7.4, Chrome 117.0.5938.117/iOS

You can try using the digit type.

Sorry, I misunderstood. However, I haven't been able to reproduce this issue on iOS 14 and 15. Could you please provide a screenshot?


You see the red circle. I assume it is for decimal points, but somehow it's not working in my mobile Safari (iOS 17.1.2), although it seems to work in Chrome

Some regions like France use comma as their decimal mark by default, you can still choose decimal point style number format by SettingsLanguage & RegionNumber Format.

Vant side can't do anything for it. That's what you can expect as a native <input type="number">, maybe there will be a document mentioned about it.