youshido-php / GraphQLBundle

Pure PHP implementation of GraphQL Server – Symfony Bundle

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DateTime/Enum types doesn't show invalid input data

MGDSoft opened this issue · comments


If I have a param with DateTime and write a bad input, It doesnt show an error. And in resolver I get a null value...


class PepField extends AbstractFieldMutation
    public function buildParent(FieldConfig $config)
            ->setDescription('Deactivates a user')
                'date'  => new DateTimeTzType(),

    public function resolve($value, $args, ResolveInfo $info)

        return true;

     * @return AbstractObjectType|AbstractType
    public function getType()
        return new BooleanType();

Execute with this query

  pep(date: "asdasd")

and result is

  "data": {
    "pep": true

Looking for this "error" I found the class ResolveValidator, lines 54 - 60

if (!$argument->getType()->isValidValue($argumentType->parseValue($astArgument->getValue()))) {
     $error = $argument->getType()->getLastError();
     throw new ResolveException($error ? $error : sprintf('Not valid type for argument "%s" in query "%s"', $astArgument->getName(), $field->getName()), $astArgument->getLocation());

The problem here is the function parseValue return a null value and isValidValue verify input NULL instead of original value.

I think inside the function "isValidValue" (AbstractType) should be call inside to "parseValue", to know the original value and if It get a NULL it will throw an error.

if (!$argument->getType()->isValidValue($astArgument->getValue())) {
    $error = $argument->getType()->getLastError();
    throw new ResolveException($error ? $error : sprintf('Not valid type for argument "%s" in query "%s"', $astArgument->getName(), $field->getName()), $astArgument->getLocation());

and each Validator call to parseValue if it's necessary