yourwebmaker /

This is a working example of CQRS/ES in PHP. It's based on the well-known C# tutorial. It uses EventSauce, but you can use any other EventSourcing package.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Frontend improvements

yourwebmaker opened this issue · comments

Hey @yourwebmaker, I am interested in working on the project. But I use Laravel as a framework. Is it possible for me to work on this project?

Hi @Amoldreamer. First, sorry for my late reply. I was on holiday. Now I'm on full power again.

This project uses Symfony + Twig to manage frontend assets. I think it's not a good idea to switch to Laravel just to work on the frontend. By doing that we would need to have a lot of dependencies that are not really necessary for this project (e.g. Eloquent ORM).

A better idea would be to create all the frontend in a separate repository, using VUE ou React or any FE framework of your preference, and communicate with the backend via a rest API (#5 ).

For the sake of simplicity, I'd recommend do keep this project using SF and Twig till the moment we decide to migrate the frontend to another repository.

Please let me know if you agree with this plan so we can move forward.