you-dont-need / You-Dont-Need-GUI

Stop relying on GUI; CLI **ROCKS**

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Misleading title

celestiallake opened this issue · comments

"You don't need GUI" just sounds too loud. You've pretty much described the basic *nix commands which are used by the majority of people anyway. Go hardcore, push for Vim and Emacs as the editors, ncmpcpp as the music player, tmux as the way to get some viewport layout...

Well, what about tiling WMs like i3 or AwesomeWM?

which are used by the majority of people anyway

I wish I would agree but studies I've read (+ personal experience) suggest we ("CLI rockers") are in not the majority, mind showing your sources?

The title is misleading in that it presents a pretty solid argument for using a GUI.

It isn't meant to literally mean "never use a GUI".

For example: You don't need JavaScript
This doesn't mean "Never use anything but css in web development".


Ditto, "You don't really need it" != "Never use it"