yosssi / ace

HTML template engine for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

{{.Variable}} doesn't work in included blocks

rdbell opened this issue · comments


I have a file, layout.ace, that looks like this:

        = include header
        = yield main
        = include footer

I'm calling layout.ace like this...

func index(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, user *userSchema) {
          tpl, err := aceProxy.Load("layout", "index", nil)
          if err != nil {
                  http.Error(res, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

          data := map[string]interface{}{
                  "Title": "Example Title",
                  "User":  user,

          if err := tpl.Execute(res, data); err != nil {
                  http.Error(res, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

Now in my layout.ace and index.ace files, I can refererence values in my data map by using {{.Title}} or {{.User.Email}} but if I try to use those statements in my header.ace file they are empty.

Is this intended behavior? Is there some way I can reference values in my data map from = include blocks such as my header/footer?

Is there some way I can reference values in my data map from = include blocks such as my header/footer?

Hi, thanks for your comment.

Could you try = include header . and = include footer . instead of = include header and = include footer?

Thanks! This works fine.

I see I can also use = include header .User and then reference {{.Email}} to access the User.Email value in the same way.

Outside of ace, I haven't worked with Go's text/template package before, so pipelines were unfamiliar to me.

The Ace Syntax document makes more sense to me now.

Thanks Keiji.

Is possible to call a $.Func of $.Var in addition to the current pipeline . from an included template (I'm inside a range)? I don't see how to pass the pipeline and the global context. Thanks!