yoshiumikuni / pynime

A (simple) straightforward Python3 script to scrape GoGoAnime.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Yet simple API wrapper for GoGoAnime

PyNime is a (simple) straightforward Python3 script to scrape GoGoAnime using Python. The project is a work in progress, not finished yet. But, the code works well, feel free to take part of the code.

What Can be Done?

  • Search anime by title
  • Get anime details
  • Get airing episode urls
  • Get streaming url (m3u8)
  • Show airing schedule
  • Download anime

Example Usage of API

For complete code, see example.py.

1. Initialize the API

First, you need to initialize the PyNime class.

from pynimeapi import PyNime
api = PyNime(base_url = "https://gogoanime.bid")

Note: GoGoAnime often change their domain, you can change the base_url if they change it. Otherwise, leave it blank. The default URL will refer to https://gogoanime.bid

2. Search an Anime

You can search anime by title using search_anime. It will return result as SearchResultObj which contains two argument title and category_url.

search_result = api.search_anime(anime_title = "yofukashi no uta")

# print list
for i in search_result:
    print(i.title) # or

Note: .category_url is an URL to anime details page. Used for function that need anime_category_url as input.

3. Get Anime Details

You can get a basic details of anime using get_anime_details function. It will return anime details as AnimeDetailsObj. Details of anime contains :

  • title
  • season
  • synopsis
  • genres
  • released
  • status
  • image_url
search_result = api.search_anime(anime_title = "yofukashi no uta")

anime_details = api.get_anime_details(search_result[0].category_url) # using search_result on index 0
print(anime_details.genres)     # for genres, output is a list. Example : ['Comedy', 'Ecchi', 'Slice of Life']

Note: Function get_anime_details input argument is anime_category_url which need anime details page URL.

4. Get Anime Episode URLs

Get total of anime episode available and url per episode using get_episode_urls. Will return list of URLs.

search_result = api.search_anime(anime_title = "yofukashi no uta")

episode_urls = api.get_episode_urls(anime_category_url = search_result[0].category_url) # again, using search_result on index 0
print(episode_urls[0]) # link to episode 1
print(episode_urls[1]) # link to episode 2
# and more... (array start from 0 btw)

# or you can do this instead
for url in episode_urls:

# to get total episode available just call len()
print(len(episode_urls)) # 12

5. Get Streaming URLs

Get streaming URL. The URL is link to M3U8 file. We have two function for this.

# First function
stream_urls = api.get_stream_urls(anime_episode_url = episodes[0]) # get streaming URL for first episode
print(stream_urls) # output as json, keys are resolution of the stream video

# Get available video res

# Second function
# this function just a simple way to get streaming URL
grab_stream_url = api.grab_stream(anime_title = "yofukashi no uta", episode = 1, resolution = 1080)

6. Download

To be clear, using internal downloader (this function) might be have slow download speed. I recommend user to copy link download and download the file using external downloader.

resolution = 1080
episode_selection = 1 # this means episode 2
api.download_video(stream_url = stream_urls[resolution], filename = f"{anime_details.title}_EP{episode_selection + 1}_{resolution}p")

Note: Recommended download manager XTREME DOWNLOAD MANAGER (XDM). Github : https://github.com/subhra74/xdm

7. Get Schedule

Get the schedule from today to a week ahead.

api.get_schedule() # just simple call

Note: Need UNIX in integer. Return nothing, this function only print the schedule. Will fix later.

8. Extra, get recent uploaded anime

This function will return 20 anime title of animes in list from GoGoAnime main page.

# Get recent uploaded anime
recent_anime = api.get_recent_release(page=1)

for anime in recent_anime:
    # print first 20 anime recently uploaded on GoGoAnime homepage
    print(f"{anime.title} [EP : {anime.latest_episode}] [URL : {anime.latest_episode_url}]")


A (simple) straightforward Python3 script to scrape GoGoAnime.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%