yorkie / me

CV at Github and Notes based on Issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


yorkie opened this issue · comments

VC Dimension:

  • 关键点在于超平面(hyperplane),即对于二维空间中,给定的数据集合,没有数据点都有正向(Positive)和负向(Negative)之分,然后我们需要用一条直线(hyperplane)把数据按正/负划分开,所以当数据集呈现为一个矩形,并且正负正好位于对角线位置时,是不可能用一条直线把数据分类的,不过对于只有三个点的数据集时,我们总是有办法用一条直线进行切割。
  • 上一条是例子,所以对于VC维来说,有两个变量,一个是数据集S,另一个是散列函数H,上例中的H是一条直线(二维空间的超平面),对于四个点,当然也可以用一个瘦椭圆来作为H值,此时VC(S, H) = 4。


This is where the VC dimension comes in - it enables you to conduct your search in a principled way. For a family of surfaces - or to be precise, a family of functions - the VC dimension gives you a number on which you can peg its capability to separate labels.

The general idea is that the VC dimension points you to a reasonable family of functions to inspect. You pick a specific member within this family based on the exact data-set at hand.


Risk <= (Empirical Risk) + (VC dimension)

这里的 Empirical Risk 还不是特别明白,不过大致了解下来呢,就是一个通过努力可以降低的参数,从而降低错误率。因此这里就存在一个博奕,即:

  • 较大的VC维虽然可以让我们使用更多的数据进行筛选,不过也会增加其错误率
  • 较小的VC维虽然可以让错误率保持很低,但是经常会遇到数据不在范围,只得经由人类干涉
