yonaskolb / XcodeGen

A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

settings DEVELOPMENT_TEAM doesn't work

lionel-alves opened this issue · comments

This settings doesn't set the Team ID in Xcode:


Xcode version: 15.3

This part of the docs may be related?

- [ ] **attributes**: **[String: Any]** - This sets values in the project `TargetAttributes`. It is merged with `attributes` from the project and anything automatically added by XcodeGen, with any duplicate values being override by values specified here. This is for advanced use only. Properties that are already set include:
- `DevelopmentTeam`: if all configurations have the same `DEVELOPMENT_TEAM` setting
- `ProvisioningStyle`: if all configurations have the same `CODE_SIGN_STYLE` setting
- `TestTargetID`: if all configurations have the same `TEST_TARGET_NAME` setting

Do you have multiple different DEVELOPMENT_TEAM build settings?