yonaskolb / XcodeGen

A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Aggregate target with spaces

jonnyijapan opened this issue · comments

I have this project.yml

  Find unused code:
      - name: "Find unused code"
        script: |
          PERIPHERY=$(~/.mint/bin/mint which periphery | tail -n 1) && $PERIPHERY scan --format xcode
        basedOnDependencyAnalysis: false

Until last week it worked fine, it generated both:

  • A target named "Find unused code"
  • A scheme named "Find unused code"

For some reason this week it does no longer generate the scheme.

If I change the project.yml to something like this, replacing the first space with an underscore, I can have it generate the scheme also

  Find_unused code:
      - name: "Find unused code"
        script: |
          PERIPHERY=$(~/.mint/bin/mint which periphery | tail -n 1) && $PERIPHERY scan --format xcode
        basedOnDependencyAnalysis: false

I'm not sure what's going on, because this all worked last week. YAML-wise it seems that using spaces should be fine.

Seems like this version of xcodegen is in use: 2.33.0
I'll see if a newer version helps.

2.37.0 does not fix the problem.

I found out that the problems still occurs sometime even if I change all spaces to underscores.
So it seems that sometimes schemes are not created, and sometimes they are.
Maybe I'm using the scheme creation feature incorrectly altogether?

I think I found the problem...

If I make sure to delete a previously existing xcodeproj file before running xcodegen, the schemes are generated properly.