yonaskolb / XcodeGen

A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project

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Multi plist error

JalalNajafi opened this issue · comments

in our project, we going to make project base on swiftgen and when it make i face with error of multi plist and i have to select the plist and deselect from target and after that, it work.
how can isolve this issue
every time that make the project it should be deselected info.plist from target membership

I've encountered the same error:

If I define it as:

        INFOPLIST_FILE: "$(SRCROOT)/Sources/App/Base/Supporting Files/Info.plist"

The info.plist is added to the target (which causes build failure)


        INFOPLIST_FILE: "Sources/App/Base/Supporting Files/Info.plist"

fixes the issue.

@Lutzifer you have to deselect the info plist from the target membership

@vanguardflag that's the result of leaving out $(SRCROOT)/ for me: it is no longer preselected after generation, thus no need to deselect it manually.

@Lutzifer i try to add this one in base part of the app in ymal file but the info plist added not deselected
can you share the ymal or sample of that

i create the three banner scheme with that ymal with one info plist thats the problem


Its part of the target definition:

        INFOPLIST_FILE: "Sources/App/Base/Supporting Files/Info.plist"