yonaskolb / SwagGen

OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Property type Decimal instead of Double

benrudhart opened this issue · comments

My yaml defines the property of a model with type number.
This generates the Swift type Double.

I'm looking for a way to automatically generate a Swift Decimal.
I thought something like this should work, but format is ignored in this case (generates Swift Double)

          type: number
          format: decimal

We have the same issue.
At the very least, it would be nice to have an option to choose whether to use float/double or decimal type for non-integer numbers.

any updates on this one? @lemoinem how do you handle this?

@benrudhart Unfortunately, our solution was to use something other than SwagGen for our code generation needs. Sorry.

mh I see. @lemoinem which generator are you using now?


We really need it

Support for this has been added in #259 and the just released 4.4.0