yonaskolb / SwagGen

OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator

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`integer` formats are not taken into account

jrcmramos opened this issue · comments


As described in the Swagger/OpenAPI specification (https://swagger.io/docs/specification/data-models/data-types/) data type Integer might have different formats. In this case, these formats can be either int32 or int64.

As far as I am concerned these formats are not taken into account. Is there something that I am missing or reason for this behaviour?

Thank you

There is an option in the template called fixedWidthIntegers which you can set to true. This will then use Int32 and Int64. You can do this either by modifying the template.yml file or passing it via the command line: -- option fixedWidthIntegers:true

The --option fixedWidthIntegers:true solved the issue 💪
Thanks @yonaskolb!