yonaskolb / Mint

A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`mint run`, but referring to SPM executable name, instead of GitHub repo name?

iandundas opened this issue · comments

I'm making a tool for internal use at my work. The repository name I have (no control over) is quite long, and is not really suitable for a terminal command (which would be like mint run nl-rdo-git-repository-tools).

In my project Package.swift, I define an executable name:

	products: [
		.executable(name: "repotools", targets: ["RepoTools"])

I was hoping that I could use this repotools executable name instead, but I can't see a documented way to do this. I just wanted to check if it were possible to somehow refer to this executable name, i.e. mint run repotools?

Ah interesting - I see now that if/once you install it, it does use executable name:

CleanShot 2023-01-06 at 10 56 30@2x

Apologies, new to Mint