yonaskolb / Mint

A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages

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How do I min run an installed package offline?

el-hoshino opened this issue · comments


I need some help, that I installed some packages via a Mintfile with $ mint bootstrap, and I'd like to run them with $ mint run package, but mint run will hit a latest version checking process that if I'm offline, I can't run my package.

I know that I can bootstrap the Mintfile with $ mint bootstrap -l and then I can run $ package directly from the terminal, but obviously I lose the package version management in the project, so I'd prefer $ mint run package over $package

So is there a way to run $ mint run package offline?


Hi @el-hoshino!

If you explicitly provide an already installed version, it will still continue to work offline.
This is valid for the CLI param ($ mint run user/package@1.0.0) and the Mintfile.


Nonetheless, I created a PR #166 which will try to find local versions when not specified.

Hi @vknabel

Thanks for the PR! It seems very helpful to me ❤️