yomotsu / camera-controls

A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.

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How to make the right click behave as if no orbit controls exist?

yoosif0 opened this issue · comments

Question in title

Sorry, I don't understand your situation.
I think you don't need any care of it if you don't use it...

The issue is that typescript enforces me to add the "right" prop to the "mouseButtons" object. Even when I set the right prop to "CameraControls.ACTION.NONE", I am still not able to use right click appropriately

        left: CameraControls.ACTION.TRUCK,
        right: CameraControls.ACTION.NONE,
        middle: CameraControls.ACTION.ZOOM,
        wheel: CameraControls.ACTION.ZOOM,

how about calling cameraControls.dispose() to detach all events of cameraControls instance?

If I called "cameraControls.dispose()", would I need to manually add an event listener to "left", "middle", and "wheel"?

I checked the documentation and I still believe that "CameraControls.ACTION.NONE" for the right click button should allow default action

Let me get this straight.
What you mean is: you would like to enable the context menu if you set mouseButtons.right = CameraControls.ACTION.NONE?

const onContextMenu = ( event: Event ): void => {
if ( ! this._enabled ) return;

  • If you want to remove all event listeners which attached by cameraControls, use disconnect().
  • If you want to destroy cameraControls entirely, use dispose().
  • If you want to disable event listeners temporarily, set cameraControls.enabled = false.

I tested the below, but it cause some problems.

 const onContextMenu = ( event: Event ): void => { 
 	if ( ! this._enabled || this.mouseButtons.right === CameraControls.ACTION.NONE ) return; 

contextmenu event is fired right after mouse down event, and contextmenu will break mouse dragging.
thus, we can't change the above code.

What you mean is: you would like to enable the context menu if you set mouseButtons.right = CameraControls.ACTION.NONE?


I've made a PR for it #362

@yomotsu thank you so much

available with v2.2.1!
let me close this issue as complicated.