yogthos / config

Library for managing environment variables in Clojure using EDN configuration files

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reagent template config exception (NumberFormatException)

leontalbot opened this issue · comments

running lein do clean, run on a fresh reagent-template template (+shadow-cljs), I get:

Syntax error (NumberFormatException) compiling at (config/core.clj:100:1).
For input string: "112473406068224456955"

Possibly related to parseLong limitations with bigInt?

Hi, yeah the number is too big to parse using Long/parseLong. I pushed out a new version that falls back to using BigInt to attempt and parse the number when Long/parseLong fails. Let me know if 1.1.3 works for you.

Yes, reagent template now works for me with 1.1.3. Thank you!