ymfa / seq2seq-summarizer

Pointer-generator reinforced seq2seq summarization in PyTorch

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Why beam search results are sorted based on loss, not on ROUGE scores

astariul opened this issue · comments

Currently results of the beam search are sorted based on the loss :

sorted(results, key=lambda h: -h.avg_log_prob)[:beam_size] (here)

And then rouge score taken is the score corresponding to the first result :

r1 += scores[0]['1_f'] (here)

Why such a decision ? Aren't we looking for a better ROUGE score (we don't really care of the loss at testing time, do we ?) ?

I was confused. Sorry for the mess.

Note for myself later :

Of course you can't do that ! It's testing, which means we are not supposed to see the golden abstract. Prediction should be done without seeing the golden labels, therefore without access to the ROUGE score.