ymarco / dotfiles


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My Dotfiles

Table of Contents

Old i3 config

In .config/i3/config. Some scripts it will try to run might not run because they are no longer present because I don’t use i3 anymore.

There is also the old i3-blocks status bar config and scripts in .config/i3blocks/. This was a nice project.

Old bspwm config

In .config/bspwm/bspwmrc - but this is mostly a hollow config, all of the real stuff is in sxhkd:

sxhkd config

In .config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc. This is the real thing. Though I don’t use bspwm anymore, there are great keybinds in here: specifically the window keybinds (lines 55-87) and desktop keybinds (lines 89-121) which do some smart things.

I also created a plugin for editing sxhkd config files in Emacs: link

Old AwesomeWM config


In .config/awesome/. There are many files Here:

  • bar.lua defines a status bar, complete with responsive brightness and sound bars
  • keys.lua defines my awesome keybinds
  • myrc.lua: defines some general stuff (like a wallpaper), and mostly binds bar.lua and keys.lua together, e.g. creating keybinds that manipulate the status bar and

Hebrew Dvorak LyX config

in .config/LyX/ and .lyx/. The Dvorak-Hebrew keymap is in .lyx/kbd/hebrew_dvorak.kmap.

Hebrew LaTeX preamble

texmf/tex/latex/prvt/preamble.sty. Hebrew compilation is recommended through XeLaTeX (using polyglossia). However, the preamble DOES compile with PDFLaTeX, in case you need quick compilation for math previews etc. Advantages and disadvantages of XeLaTeX:

  • hyperref works (babel in PDFLaTeX screws up hyperref compilation)
  • amsmthm works (babel screws this up also)
  • Parentheses don’t get swapped as in PDFLaTeX
  • Modern font support. Wanna do some שמשון שמן?
  • …About x7 compilation time compared to PDFLaTeX
  • Less support from microtype


In .scripts/. The big ones are these:

  • suspend-program prompts you with a selection of CPU-intensive programs and suspends (SIGSTOP) the selected one. Upon a second run it continues the suspended program.
  • music-ctl controls mpd (through mpc client), but gives priority to VLC if its running and controls it instead (using d-bus through qdbus).


Pretty papers in .wallpapers/.




Language:Lua 41.7%Language:Shell 18.8%Language:Nix 12.7%Language:Vim Snippet 12.2%Language:TeX 7.9%Language:CSS 2.5%Language:Python 2.1%Language:Vim Script 1.3%Language:Awk 0.7%