ym-han / Wiki

Wiki for Talon beta

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Contributing Content

This is a wiki for the beta version of Talon, a hands-free input replacement for using a computer. These docs are rendered and deployed to:


Join the Talon Slack to find other folks interested in or using Talon. The beta version is currently only available to Talon Beta tier Patreon supporters. If you want to try out the beta, consider donating to the Patreon. Links to download the beta version can be found in the @beta channel.

Who can Contribute

This wiki belongs to the Talon Community, and contributions are welcome from anyone. Anyone can make pull requests, and any member of the TalonCommunity GitHub organization can merge that pull request. Talon Community members can push directly to gh-pages branch.

How to Contribute

Content is formatted using Markdown syntax. Check out this Markdown Syntax Guide. There are multiple ways to contribute content:

Using Prose.io, a GitHub content editor

Links to edit content using Prose.io are embedded into the site in the top right corner:

screenshot of prose links

Clicking these links should drop you into a content editor in your browser:

screenshot prose editor

There's a preview button to see your changes rendered in markdown:

screenshot prose preview


Images can be uploaded either by dragging and dropping the image into the prose editor or by clicking the image button in the markdown editor bar. These photos will be uploaded to the media directory and you should see some markdown generated for you:


New Pages

Prose by default suggests a filename with a date, and there isn't a way currently to turn of this behavior. Please remove the date from the suggested filename, for example don't use 2020-06-16-your-filename.md and instead name it without a date like your-filename.md. Remember to use the .md file extension. Files without the extension will not be rendered by jekyll.

Saving Changes

Click the save button, which will commit your changes. If you are a member of Talon Community, your changes will be committed directly to the deploy branch gh-pages and will show up https://talon.wiki once the site is rebuilt. If you are not a member of Talon Community, saving your changes will create a Pull Request on Github. Any member of Talon Community can merge the changes. Please ping someone on your pull request or find someone in the @beta or #talon-docs channels of the Talon Slack.

Using GitHub UI

There are links in the top right corner of the site to edit the content in GitHub. Clicking Add new, for example, will drop you into a GiHub UI for adding a new file:

screenshot github editor

The GitHub UI provides an option to either commit directly to gh-pages branch (if you are a member of Talon Community) or make a new branch and submit a pull request, which can be merged from a member of TalonCommunity.

Using git

New Pages

New pages can be added to the root directory - no need to add to any subfolder. Pages should include the .md file extension or they will not be rendered. For every new page, make sure to add a link to it in the sidebar _includes/sidebar.html:


Add images to the media directory and include in markdown using the syntax:


Deploying Changes

All changes merged to gh-pages branch will be automatically deployed using GitHub pages to the domain talon.wiki. There is some delay between merge and when site is refreshed with the new content, so expect changes to take a few minutes. If you are a member of TalonCommunity, you have write access and can merge your own changes. If


If you are only looking to add content to the wiki, you should not need to do any of the following setup. This is only relevant if you want to make changes to the wiki site itself or you want to preview locally instead of using prose or GitHub UI.

How this Wiki is Built

This wiki is built using:

The theme is built directly into the repository so we could patch any changes as needed.

Making Custom Style Changes

This wiki is built using a custom theme, but it is possible to override any of the style in overrides/css/custom.css.

Previewing Changes Locally

Follow the instructions in the Quickstart jekyll docs to setup a Ruby environment and install bundler. To build the site and make it available to a local server, run:

bundle exec serve jekyll

and open http://localhost:4000 in a browser.

Some functionality, such as the editing with prose, cannot be easily tested locally.


Wiki for Talon beta


Language:CSS 55.5%Language:HTML 31.2%Language:Ruby 8.6%Language:JavaScript 4.5%Language:Python 0.2%