ylechelle / OpenUDID

[OpenUDID IS NOW DEPRECATED] Open source initiative for a universal and persistent UDID solution for iOS

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OpenUDID does not restore the same UDID after updating os and restoring from iCloud

artemshv opened this issue · comments

It generates new UDID instead of getting old one

is this still happening ? :S

I'm seeing the same behavior. Is this only limited to OS upgrades and iCloud restores? Would be nice to get confirmation.

it happens also when you reinstall the app, for example delete your app and install it again, and you will see that behavior.

If the app in question is the only one supporting OpenUDID on that device/simulator.

That's interesting. I was not always seeing the ID change on reinstall but there very well could have been more than one app on the device with OpenUDID.

We are trying to determine if we can rely on this ID to know if an app is uninstalled and reinstalled that it was the same device. Sounds like we can't really rely on that.

OpenUDID was a great proxy/alternative to UDID (via uniqueIdentifier) pre-iOS 6. Today, you should rely on either IDfA (Identifier for Advertisers) if you're looking for cross-app identification or vendorIdentifier if within the same publisher space. The latter is the most persistent but will not work across apps. If you need to support iOS 5 and below, then you should use OpenUDID for legacy support...

this is still happening. Is there any way to disable the iCloud syncing?