ykyouhei / KYDrawerController

Side Drawer Navigation Controller similar to Android

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Getting black screen of main controller

bhavuk-webkul opened this issue · comments

Getting black screen of main controller

Is it because your drawer background is black and is taking all the screen real estate?

meaning if your drawer width that you're using is say... 300/414 but you've made your side drawer view on the storyboard to be 414 and the background is black then thats what it'll be.

Is it because your drawer background is black and is taking all the screen real estate?


meaning if your drawer width that you're using is say... 300/414 but you've made your side drawer view on the storyboard to be 414 and the background is black then thats what it'll be.

both 260 Still not working older i used in many projects its working but now in ios 12 its giving some issue

any update

limit 260 for your drawer and make the mainview normal size.
Else it won't know how to populate

In my case I can't even open drawer and everything from ui view controller is gone (no items on toolbar, uiviewcontroller is black)


@snc001 what do you mean?

I have used a default value 200 and what I get is #139

let mainViewController   = ViewController()
let drawerViewController = DrawerViewController()
let drawerController     = KYDrawerController(drawerDirection: .left, drawerWidth: 200)
drawerController.mainViewController = UINavigationController(
    rootViewController: mainViewController
drawerController.drawerViewController = drawerViewController 
window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
window?.rootViewController = drawerController

@bhavuk-webkul did you solve this issue?

yes i have solved this issue