yktoo / dklang

DKLang Localization Package

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Manual Install Problem Issue

joongtang opened this issue · comments

When IDE load dklang.dpoj and compile it, compile error occured.
{$I LibSuffix.inc} do not work in IDE(XE5)
so I remove it in dklang.dpk then compile success

We've tested under XE5 and it appears to work correctly. What is the error you are getting?

I guess... compiler find dklang190.bpl because of "{$I LibSuffix.inc}".
but open dklang.dproj in IDE, package name is dklang.bpl.


Not sure why, but the IDE seems to sometimes not recognize a file include directive ({$I ...}) to include the LIBSUFFIX. On my machine it would choke on Win32 but none of the other platforms! So I moved the LIBSUFFIX directives to the pkg sources. Seems to work well now. Please update your sources from the repository and let us know how it works for you.

my source is the same as your source ^^
Thanks for your answer~