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Sign in with twitter button doesn't work on AWS App

Jonathantsho opened this issue · comments

YK mentioned that setup_twitter.py should be run ahead of time.
I also removed tweepy from requirements.txt, this could be another over-arching issue as well.


Hmm this should have nothing to do with tweepy because the app should only use django-allauth for now for this.

Thanks for the note. I've successfully gotten the button fixed in the local app.

I've SSH'ed into the AWS instance and added the environment variables into bash_profile.
My hypothesis is that setup_twitter.py needs to be run in the instance before it is deployed. This should solve the issue.

This is doable in the configuration files within .ebextensions.


Ugh I think I ran into the same issue.

I have the same (a similar) hypothesis: setup_twitter.py needs to run after it's deployed.

That's how I set it up on Heroku, anyway.

From the README:

I'm not sure how to do the same thing on AWS yet, though.

I'm starting to think Heroku might actually be better to get started with because it's so much simpler to set up.

Also, this is the error I got on AWS:

Closing this temporarily as we are sticking with Heroku.