yiyinianhua / ML-lib

An extensive machine learning library, made from scratch (Python).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a machine learning library, made from scratch.

It uses:

  • numpy: for handling matrices/vectors
  • cvxopt: for convex optimization
  • networkx: for handling graphs in decision trees

It contains the following functionality:

  • Supervised Learning:
    • Regression
      • Linear Regression
      • Logistic Regression
      • Regularization
    • Support Vector Machines
      • Soft and hard margins
      • Kernels
    • Tree Methods
      • CART (classificiation and regression)
      • PRIM
      • AdaBoost
      • Gradient Boost
      • Random Forests
    • Kernel Methods
      • Nadaraya average
      • Local linear regression
      • Kernel density classification
    • Discriminant Analysis
      • LDA, QDA, RDA
    • Prototype Methods
      • KNN
      • LVQ
      • DANN
    • Perceptron
  • Unsupervised Learning
    • K means/mediods clustering
    • PCA
  • Model Selection and Validation


Examples are shown in two dimensions for visualisation purposes, however, all methods can handle high dimensional data.


  • Linear and logistic regression with regularization



Support Vector Machines

  • Support vector machines maximize the margins between classes


  • Using kernels, support vector machines can produce non-linear decision boundries. The RBF kernel is shown below



  • An alternative learning algorithm, the perceptron, can linearly separate classes. It does not maximize the margin, and is severely limited.

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Tree Methods

  • The library contains a large collection of tree methods, the basis of which are a decision trees for classification and regression


These decision trees can be aggregated, and the library supports the following ensemble methods:

  • AdaBoosting
  • Gradient Boosting
  • Random Forests

Kernel Methods

Kernel methods estimate the target function by fitting seperate functions at each point using local smoothing of training data

  • Nadaraya–Watson estimation uses a local weighted average


  • Local linear regression uses weighted least squares to locally fit an affine function to the data


  • The library also supports kernel density estimation (KDE) of data which is used for kernel density classification


Discriminant Analysis

  • Linear Discriminant Analysis creates decision boundries by assuming classes have the same covariance matrix.
  • LDA can only form linear boundries

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  • Quadratic Discriminant Analysis creates deicion boundries by assuming classes have indepdent covariance matrices.
  • QDA can form non-linear boundries.

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  • Regularized Discriminant Analysis uses a combination of pooled and class covariance matrices to determine decision boundries.

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Prototype Methods

  • K-nearest neighbors determines target values by averaging the k-nearest data points. The library supports both regression and classification.

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  • Learning vector quantization is a prototype method where prototypes are iteratively repeled by out-of-class data, and attracted to in-class data

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  • Discriminant Adaptive Nearest Neighbors (DANN). DANN adaptively elongates neighborhoods along boundry regions.
  • Useful for high dimensional data.

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Unsupervised Learning

  • K means and K mediods clustering. Partitions data into K clusters.

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  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Transforms given data set into orthonormal basis, maximizing variance.

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An extensive machine learning library, made from scratch (Python).

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%