Yixf-Self / cli

Golang cli,best command line interface for go (go cli)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Command line interface License


The MIT License (MIT)


go get github.com/mkideal/cli


screenshot screenshot2


  • Simplest, fast to learn.
  • Safety. Support type check, range check, and custom validate function.
  • Based on golang tag. Support four tags: cli,usage,dft, name.
  • Support default value and required declaration.
  • Support multiple flag name for same argument.
  • Support command tree.
  • Support command suggestion
  • Support HTTP router
  • Support struct field
  • Support -F<value> flag format
  • Support separated flags and arguments by --
  • Distinguish flags and arguments - app cmd --flag -b=c arg1 arg2
  • Support array flag - -F v1 -F v2 or -Fv1 -Fv2
  • Support map flag - -F k1=v1 -F k2=v2 or -F<k1=v1> -F<k2=v2>


  • Support command completion
  • Support Before/After hooks
  • Support expr for dft tag

Getting started

Just run it!

package main

import (

type argT struct {
	Help bool   `cli:"h,help" usage:"display help information"`
	Name string `cli:"name" usage:"your name" dft:"world"`
	Age  uint8  `cli:"a,age" usage:"your age" dft:"100"`

func main() {
	cli.Run(&argT{}, func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		argv := ctx.Argv().(*argT)
		if argv.Help {
		} else {
			ctx.String("Hello, %s! Your age is %d?\n", argv.Name, argv.Age)
		return nil

Type these in terminal

$> go build -o hello
$> ./hello
Hello, world! Your age is 100?
$> ./hello --name=clipher -a 9
Hello, clipher! Your age is 9?
$> ./hello -h


$> ./hello -a 256

clier - command generator

clier is command generator write by cli. You can use it for fast-creating a new command.


	clier hello
	clier -f -s "balabalabala" hello
	clier -p balabala hello


  -h, --help
      display help

  -F, --file=NAME
      create source file for new command, default <commandName>.go

  -f, --force[=false]
      force create file if exists

  -p, --package
      dest package name, default <basedir FILE>

  -s, --desc
      command description

  --csr, --can-sub-route[=false]
      set CanSubRoute attribute for new command

      argv type, default <commandName>T, e.g. command name is hello, then defaut argv type is helloT



cli tag supports short format and long format, e.g.

Help    bool    `cli:"h,help"`
Version string  `cli:"version"`
Port    int     `cli:"p"`
XYZ     bool    `cli:"x,y,z,xyz,XYZ"` 

The argument is required if cli tag has prefix *, e.g.

Required string `cli:"*required"`

The argument is marked as force flag if cli tag has prefix !, e.g

Help bool `cli:"!h,help"`

Don't validate flags if force assigned with true.


usage tag describes the argument. If the argument is required, description has prefix * while show usage(* is red on unix-like os).


dft tag specifies argument's default value.You can specify ENV as default value. e.g.

Port   int    `cli:"p,port" usage:"http port" dft:"8080"` 
Home   string `cli:"home" usage:"home dir" dft:"$HOME"`
GoRoot string `cli:"goroot" usage:"go root dir" dft:"$GOROOT"`


name tag give a name for show.


Command struct

type Command struct {
	Name        string
	Desc        string
	Text        string
	Fn          CommandFunc
	Argv        ArgvFunc
	CanSubRoute bool
	HTTPRouters []string
	HTTPMethods []string

Command tree

Method 1: Construct command tree

// Tree creates a CommandTree
func Tree(cmd *Command, forest ...*CommandTree) *CommandTree

// Root registers forest for root and return root
func Root(root *Command, forest ...*CommandTree) *Command
func log(ctx *cli.Context) error {
	ctx.String("path: `%s`\n", ctx.Path())
	return nil
var (
	cmd1  = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd1", Fn: log}
	cmd11 = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd11", Fn: log}
	cmd12 = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd12", Fn: log}

	cmd2   = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd2", Fn: log}
	cmd21  = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd21", Fn: log}
	cmd22  = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd22", Fn: log}
	cmd221 = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd221", Fn: log}
	cmd222 = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd222", Fn: log}
	cmd223 = &cli.Command{Name: "cmd223", Fn: log}

root := cli.Root(
	&cli.Command{Name: "tree"},

Method 2: Register child command

Command registers child command using Register method or RegisterFunc method.

func (cmd *Command) Register(*Command) *Command
func (cmd *Command) RegisterFunc(string, CommandFunc, ArgvFunc) *Command
├── sub1
│   ├── sub11
│   └── sub12
└── sub2
var root = &cli.Command{}

var sub1 = root.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "sub1",
	Fn: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		//do something
var sub11 = sub1.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "sub11",
	Fn: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		//do something
var sub12 = sub1.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "sub12",
	Fn: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		//do something

var sub2 = root.Register(&cli.Command{
	Name: "sub2",
	Fn: func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
		//do something

HTTP router

Context implements ServeHTTP method.

func (ctx *Context) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

Command has two http properties: HTTPMethods and HTTPRouters.

HTTPRouters []string
HTTPMethods []string

Each command have one default router: slashes-separated router path of command. e.g. command $app sub1 sub11 has default router /sub1/sub11. The HTTPRouters property will add some new extra routers, it would'nt replace the default router. The HTTPMethods is a string array. It will handle any method if HTTPMethods is empty.

var help = &cli.Command{
	Name:        "help",
	Desc:        "display help",
	CanSubRoute: true,
	HTTPRouters: []string{"/v1/help", "/v2/help"},
	HTTPMethods: []string{"GET", "POST"},

	Fn: cli.HelpCommandFn,

NOTE: Must call root command's RegisterHTTP method if you want to use custom HTTPRouters

if err := ctx.Command().Root().RegisterHTTP(ctx); err != nil {
	return err
return http.ListenAndServe(addr, ctx.Command().Root())

See example HTTP.


See example RPC.


Who use

External tools

  • goplus - generate go application skeleton


Golang cli,best command line interface for go (go cli)

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.9%Language:Shell 1.1%