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Yii PHP Framework 1.1.x

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PHP 8.3 Compatibility

sandippingle opened this issue · comments

What steps will reproduce the problem?

PHP Deprecated the following features/functions in their release of 8.3:


Saner Increment/Decrement operators


Calling ReflectionProperty::setValue() with only one parameter is deprecated. To set static properties, pass null as the first parameter.

Possibly impacted code:

public function setLocaleDataPath($value)
		$property=new ReflectionProperty($this->localeClass,'dataPath');


Using exceptions is now preferred, warnings will be removed in the future. Calling SQLite3::enableExceptions(false) will trigger a deprecation warning in this version.

How can we plan PHP 8.3 compatibility?

Additional info

Yii version 1.1.29
PHP version 8.3
Operating system Linux

Regarding the reflection deprecation, that point seems valid. Those lines could probably be replaced with:

$class=new ReflectionClass($this->localeClass);

Regarding SQLite3 enableExceptions(), I don't see that being used anywhere in framework code?